Lent and Holy Week at York Minster
Join us as we take part in York Minster's cycle of services during Lent and Holy Week. All services are free to attend.
Thursday 18, 25 February, 3, 10, 17 March, 9pm
Monday 21 March, 7.30pm
Compline - J. S. Bach Jesu meine freude
To mark J. S. Bach's birthday and European Early Music Day, we conclude the service with his penitential motet Jesu meine freude
Tuesday 22 March, 7.30pm
Compline - Charpentier Le Reniement de St Pierre
Wednesday 23 March, 7.30pm
Stainer The Crucifixion
Tenor: Jason Darnell Bass: Sam Hucklebridge Organ: David Pipe
John Stainer's powerful setting of the Passion which, while dramatic, is never over-indulgent in its use of Victorian solo and chorus writings. Like the Bach Passions on which it was based, it includes congregational hymns. We follow this with the service of Compline.
Thursday 24 March, 10pm